Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Making Healthy Babies: Your 10-Step Action Plan

Want to get pregnant? Here are 10 tips for increasing your chances of conceiving a healthy baby...naturally!
By Jennifer Barham-Floreani, M.D.

1. Know Your Cycle

When is your “fertility window”? The Sympto-Thermal Method has proved to be a very effective way to determine when you’re most fertile. It combines both the Billings method (cervical mucous checking) and Basal Body Temperature method.
Cervical mucous checking: One of the most reliable indicators of ovulation is the change in vaginal discharge. Five to six days prior to ovulation, mucous will change from being paste-like and opaque to an oestrogenic mucous, which is thin, wet, watery, clear and profuse. Two days before ovulation, mucous will again change to a raw egg-white consistency, stretching in long strands. These few days offer the highest conception probability.
Basal Body Temperature: This method involves taking your body temperature each morning at the same time, using a digital thermometer. Measuring changes in temperature helps indicate when ovulation occurs.

ACTION: Research these methods for a full explanation of necessary steps.

2. Replenish Your Body

Certain lifestyle factors, such as poor diet, stress and the use of medication (including antibiotics and the contraceptive pill), can deplete critical nutrients and minerals necessary for reproductive success. Research indicates that the contraceptive pill alters the uptake and utilisation of the vitamin B group, as well as vitamins A,C, E, K, folic acid, biotin, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc and copper.
Studies have also revealed that vitamin E deficiency in animals can lead to infertility, that zinc supplementation can improve intrauterine growth, and that women who reported using iron supplements were 40 percent less likely to have ovulation-related infertility than non-users.

ACTION: Before attempting to conceive, give your body a few months to replenish natural nutrient reserves.

3.Give Up Those Vices  

There are 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, including 43 carcinogens and 300 polyaromatic hydrocarbons that can destroy follicles in the ovary, reduce fertility and trigger early menopause.
A recent study showed that smokers have 1.6 greater risk of being infertile compared to nonsmokers, and that women who smoke take longer to become pregnant, even with Artificial Reproductive Technology (medical procedures used to enhance fertility), and are more likely to miscarry. It’s important to note that chemical toxicity of any kind can have an adverse effect on conception and development. Alcohol and caffeine are also toxic.
Poor vitamin B levels, high intake of coffee, smoking and lack of vitamin supplementation during pregnancy contribute to elevated plasma Hcy (homocysteine, an amino acid). Women with high plasma Hcy (and low serum B12 levels) are at greater risk of recurrent pregnancy loss, placental abruption, stillbirths, very low birth weight, preterm deliveries, preeclampsia, clubfoot and neural tube defects in their offspring.

ACTION: Minimise toxins in your diet; remember that all chemicals pass through the semi-permeable placental membrane to the foetus, and that there is no such thing as a placental “barrier.”

4. Hidden Nutrient Deficiencies  

Micronutrient deficiencies are known contributors to poor pregnancy outcomes. Certain foods can block the absorption of important vitamins and minerals. It is therefore wise to study if reliance on certain foods may have created micronutrient deficiencies. Seek dietary advice on how to balance food choices and incorporate more organic fruits and vegetables, which are always a rich source of iron and zinc and other important vitamins and minerals.

ACTION: Eat high-quality, organically grown foods—these are the best source of vitamins and minerals.

5.Regulate Your Blood Sugar  

Dietary factors that affect the body’s insulin (blood sugar) sensitivity have been associated with an increased risk of infertility. Greater levels of insulin in the bloodstream appear to depress the body’s production and regulation of hormones, which can have adverse effects on fertility.

ACTION: While monitoring intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates is important, seek advice from a healthcare provider on the benefits of foods that regulate blood sugar levels, such as whole grains and proteins, and how low-fat dairy products have been shown to influence insulin.

6. Go for the Good Fats

Some fats are good for us and some are not. Fats are important for optimal body function, and together with protein they constitute the structural framework of our body. There are basically four types of fats, of which we need three.
Our bodies thrive on “good” fats—the mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which are important for healthy reproduction, as they help control blood sugar levels, cool the body’s inflammation, and enhance healthy ovulation. Our bodies also use high-quality saturated fats in moderation. The fourth fat, trans fat, is the “resident evil.”

ACTION: Prioritise good fats in your diet. Include a high-quality, preferably organic, mercury-free DHA and EPA supplement (omega-3 polyunsaturated marine or fish oil), and utilise other great sources, such as oily cold-water fish, flaxseed oil, walnut, olive and soya bean oil, walnuts, pumpkin and sesame seeds, wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, olives and avocados. Consider pastured meats, eggs and organic dairy from grass-fed cows as additional sources of good fats. Be vigilant in avoiding trans fats; these are often listed on products as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or vegetable shortening. Foods that contain trans fatty acids are often included in kids’ favorites, such as hot chips or French fries, crackers, cookies, biscuits, crisps, cakes, cereals and margarines.

7. Go Organic  

Non-organic fruits and vegetables are exposed to a significant number of insecticides and fungicides. The simple act of biting into a piece of fruit that has been treated with endosulfan, an organochloride pesticide, gives an unintended dose of hormone disruptors, otherwise known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
EDCs mimic oestrogen and other hormones and potentially disrupt the chain of hormonerelease necessary for ovulation, fertilisation and implantation of the embryo.

ACTION: Buy organic produce—not only are these foods nutritional dynamite, but they help us avoid produce that might otherwise be genetically modified. There is significant cautionary evidence relating GMO food consumption and infertility. Be sure to check other food purchases for GMO ingredients, which are mostly found in processed foods—particularly those containing soy, corn and canola.

8. Avoid Contaminated Fish Products  

There has been increasing awareness about the ill effects of toxins found in fish, including mercury, antibiotics, vaccines and pesticides. Tinned fish is also a source of Bisphenol A, sulphur dioxide and EDTA.
Mercury is 1,000 times more toxic than lead, and is second only to uranium as the most toxic metal. It is a  known neurotoxin, linked to numerous forms of brain damage. When eating fish, eat wild. The growing “fish farming” industry is contributing unhealthy, chemical-laden sources of fish into our diets. For this reason, fresh, wild fish (after considering the mercury content) is best.

ACTION: For a full list of safe fish, please visit

9. Keep Moving  

Exercise improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin and evens out blood sugar levels. Controlling insulin is an essential step in improving fertility. Exercise also helps us maintain our ideal weight and keeps our bodies strong.

ACTION: Put on your running shoes, grab a bicycle or join a gym. All exercise is good for the body, and the more variety, the better. Calculate your ideal weight and get all of the physical and emotional support you may need to achieve this weight.

10. Get Your House in Order

Whether from a tap, tank or natural source, water contains hundreds of contaminants, including natural organics, salts, harmful bacteria and viruses. Chlorination of tap water and its harmful byproducts must be filtered out. Variations in menstrual and ovarian function have been observed following consumption of tap water disinfection byproducts (also known as DBPs). A study on American women showed those who regularly drank tap water with at least 75 micrograms per litre of these byproducts had an increased rate of early-term miscarriages (15.7 percent, as compared to a 9.5 percent risk for women with low exposure). Fluoride, which is also added to tap water, has been linked to hormone disruption, lower fertility rates and low sperm counts. Water contains hundreds of contaminants, including organic compounds derived from living organisms, salts, harmful bacteria, viruses and pharmaceutical drugs.
In addition, conduct an inventory of your home and the products you use, particularly personal care and cleaning products. Eliminate anything with EDCs (endocrine-disrupting compounds), such as aluminum, lead acetate and phthalates.

ACTION: Purchase a high-quality water filter and use glass bottles to store your water. Avoid drinking from bottles that contain Bisphenol A—a nasty chemical found in plastics. Replace products with 100 percent biodegradable products and read labels carefully before you buy. Dispose of any cookware that contains Teflon and Gore-Tex.

BONUS TIP! Get Your Spine in Order

Finally, get your spine checked. This is critical to any pregnancy. The body’s nervous system is the master control for healthy functioning. When our nervous system works well, we are better able to adapt to our environment and its stressors, which in turn influence our capacity to reproduce.

Physical traumas such as car accidents, sporting injuries and falls—and even long-term, “invisible” trauma caused by poor posture—can all impact the function of the nervous system by causing stress to the spine.
Chiropractors are experts in spine and nerve function. They can help your body function at its full capacity and resist destructive forces more successfully. The nervous system will effectively integrate the chemical,
physical and emotional information between the brain and reproductive systems, improving the chance of conception Chiropractic offers an effective way of improving body function and may play a significant role in improving your ability to conceive naturally.

Chiropractic for Fertility

One of the basic premises of chiropractic care is that vertebral subluxations affect nerve transmission. Think of your brain as a computer which coordinates, via your nervous system, the functions of your organs and cells. Nerve messages can be interrupted by spinal subluxations which occur when there are misalignments of
one or more vertebrae. Among other effects, vertebral subluxations can compromise optimal reproductive system function and our capacity to conceive. But the field of chiropractic care is yielding some promising results.
In one review published in the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (2008), the case studies of eleven infertile women, aged 22 to 42, were examined. Ten of the women were actively trying to become pregnant and had been unsuccessful. Their pregnancy histories included one natural childbirth, two miscarriages, two failed IVF treatments and three failed artificial inseminations. Within 1 to 20 months of receiving chiropractic care, all eleven women had become pregnant. They all had adjustments made to vertebral subluxations in their spines using a variety of chiropractic techniques. Nine of the eleven received no other medical care during this time.
This is one example in the growing body of research that suggests chiropractic care improves reproductive system function.
Regardless of the type of chiropractic technique used, when subluxations are addressed, nerve function is improved and reproductive and endocrine function is enhanced.
There is no exclusive infertility cure-all for couples. These proactive recommendations are designed to allow the body to balance itself and recreate its own “order.” Health practitioners cannot take credit for the magnificent design of the human body, which has an innate intelligence working to heal itself.
If couples take the time to listen to their own bodies, they will receive invaluable advice, for
the body is always sending messages. This does not mean we need be alone in the healing process. Chiropractors, Chinese medicine practitioners and naturopaths will often work together
to support reproductive integrity.
Given the right support and enough time, the body has repeatedly shown that it is capable of transforming “dis-ease” and dysfunction into wellness…and for many couples, infertility into fertility.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Although it may be tempting to dismiss a call to happiness during troubled economic times, world strife, or personal grief as overly optimistic or too simplistic, I believe these are just the occasions for a reminder that when it comes to happiness, all of us have a choice. In fact, choosing to be happy is one of the few essential decisions that we get to make regardless of age, stage of life, or present situation. It’s a decision that can’t be taken away, and no one else can make it for us.

Each one of us gets to choose, every single moment of every day, whether or not we want to be happy. It’s the same as choosing which dress or tie to wear, or choosing to eat pancakes and syrup instead of bran cereal. Just as you choose the outfit because it makes you look good, you choose the pancakes to satisfy your sweet tooth craving. You choose to be happy because it’s how you want to experience life.Happy people are more likable and desirable to be around. Isn’t it amazing how we’re drawn to people with sunny dispositions? One of the consequences of this phenomenon of human nature is that happy people regularly benefit from the enthusiastic help and cooperation of others.

Researchers have determined that happy people have stronger immune systems, endure pain better than unhappy people, and live longer. They have greater and longer opportunities to enjoy life and everything in it.
Happiness leads to greater job productivity, which often results in higher income. So why not choose to be happy?

No doubt, you can think of many reasons. You’re not where you want to be in your career; you’ve experienced financial setbacks; your children aren’t living up to your expectations; your boss doesn’t appreciate your efforts; your neighbors aren’t friendly. And your list goes on. Let me suggest that these are not reasons at all. They are excuses for not being happy.

Dale Carnegie explains it this way: “Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions; it is governed by our mental attitude.” You alone are in control of your attitude and making the decisions to improve your life. Choose to be happy, and then take the necessary steps to make it so.

I can personally attest to the connection between happiness and an improved quality of life. Many years ago, I decided that I would be intentional about choosing to be happy. I didn’t just say I wanted to be happy; I found out what I needed to do to make happiness a daily reality for me. Though I’m fortunate that I have experienced a rewarding career and professional life, it’s not my achievements that are to be credited for my happiness and the quality of life I now enjoy. Rather, it’s the little decisions I consistently make each day that continue to help me in my choice to be happy.

If you’ve never considered happiness as a choice before today, there has never been a better time than right now to choose happiness. Take control of your emotions and start focusing on the good things in your life and the person you want to become. As you do, you will begin to feel the happiness in your life.
Choose to be happy. It’s an attitude that will improve every part of your life.
By Todd Smith

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Premise of Chiropractic

The basic premise of chiropractic philosophy is: “The power that makes the body heals the body.” There is a vitalistic force constantly at work in all living things, keeping them organized and adapting to the forces in their environment. This life force is the vibration which keeps all life going forward, and holds every cell and particle together. The ordinary man is not usually aware of this vibrational frequency, nor is he always mindful that this force maintains his life as well as the Earth itself.

The human body is miraculous. This principle of organization produces a self-healing, self-organizing and self-regulating organism that is adapting and appropriately responding to its environment, constantly striving for optimal function. In chiropractic, this is known as “innate intelligence.”

Health is a state of balance and harmony of the body within the larger environment. The body heals itself using its own recuperative power. Every process takes time, and healing is a process. It is not the Band-Aid that heals the cut, nor the cast that causes the bone to knit. You can put a Band-Aid on a rump roast, but it will not heal itself because the roast is no longer a living thing. Only living things can heal themselves.
Healing the body is a dynamic process, and with time the changes will come. The path to health is not an easy process, especially in the beginning, because it takes time to change our lifestyles and habits. The change will be great and then small. Ultimately, each small change will lead to the greatest change of all—optimum health, full potential and the ability to give back to life.

Children’s bodies heal quickly due to their strong recuperative powers. A child will begin to feel better and his body will begin to renew and revive itself. Parents will see changes immediately, then day after day, week after week, and month after month, as they carry out the discipline of following the chiropractic care plan. Just as the sun gets brighter at the start of each new day, the light of the life force grows brighter as the body heals and reaches optimal potential.

Chiropractic releases the power within, and the light returns to the eyes. Whatever the malfunction, imbalance, health loss or challenges, when the child’s neurological organization engages, it is like a beam of light getting bigger and brighter. The child becomes more and more conscious of himself and his surroundings. Each new accomplishment brings more challenges and responsibility to the child, and a little less work for the parent.

With time, the body’s energy increases and the child becomes more energetic. As this energy increases, chronic health symptoms begin to recede. Toxins are eliminated from the body as it gets stronger. These typically manifest as skin rashes, diarrhea, vomiting, fevers and seizures. As the body regains its strength and performance, a retracing of interrupted development begins.

Retracing means going back to the original pattern of development and re-experiencing correctly the stages of sensory intake and motor output, and the integration of emotional well-being and higher intelligence. Retracing is part of the body’s healing process. It is the innate intelligence of the body that heals continuously from moment to moment. In other words, you heal yourself! Hippocrates told us, “Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” As parents seeking true wellness, it is imperative we seek out care providers who recognize, respect and support this healing from within. Chiropractors are such providers.