Monday, July 25, 2011

"Surging Your Way into Sickness...”

What would happen if you plugged 10 appliances in one outlet and turned them all on at the same time? You'd blow a circuit, right! Well, the same thing could happen if you surge your 'nerve circuits' with too much STRESS...

Picture your nerve system as an electrical outlet with multiple stresses plugged in. Turn on all those stresses at the same time and POW, you'll quickly overload your system, blow a circuit and fry your state of health! Chiropractors call this situation a Subluxation. Depending on what nerves (circuits) are involved, you can experience symptoms from mild aches and pains to more significant health problems like High Blood Pressure (Journal of Human Hypertension 22,1 G Bakris, MD et al). So how can you avoid the dangers of stress surge?

Although it's impossible to eliminate all stress from your life, you can stay ahead of their negative, accumulative effects with regular Chiropractic Care. Your Chiropractor performs his or her job much like an electrician... skillfully checking your nerve system for overloaded circuits and turning them back on so you won't experience an interruption in your state of health and wellness. When it comes to basic, preventative care, nothing beats 'keeping your Power on.'

Monday, July 18, 2011

"Sleep Like This Again..."

Did you know that 40 percent of the population currently suffers with sleeping problems? It isn't uncommon for Chiropractors to find a misalignment of the first two cervical vertebrae, the atlas and axis, in people who suffer from sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.

Since a good night's sleep is one of the most important requirements for complete healing, restoring normal sleep is a desired effect of any Chiropractic care plan. It's common for many regular Chiropractic clients to see an improvement in sleeping habits within the first week of care, regardless of the condition they come in with. Sleeping better is a common 'side effect' when normal alignment is restored at the C1/C2 area, and no drugs have to be involved!

A misaligned atlas or axis can be determined with simple Chiropractic tests like Thermography, Upper Cervical X-Rays or posture analysis. If you know someone suffering with poor sleep, tell them to save their money on a new pillow and have their upper neck evaluated by a chiropractor. If we can get you sleeping better, we can get you healing better.

Monday, July 11, 2011

"Vince Lombardi and Principle #6…”

"The Green Bay Packers never lost a game. They just ran out of time..." - Vince Lombardi

Coach Lombardi's quote sums up his unwavering belief in his team’s ability to win every game, if given enough time to execute their winning game plan. Chiropractors hold a similar, unwavering belief in your body's Innate potential to fight off illness...

The Sixth Principle in Chiropractic states "there is no process which does not require time," including the healing process. BJ Palmer (the developer of Chiropractic) believed that given enough time, and a clear nerve system the body could heal itself in just about any situation. In his mind, the Innate Wisdom of the body had the potential to win any healing game if just given a chance. This concept is central to all successful Chiropractic care plans.

If you've gone a few days or a few weeks under care and see only minimal results, don't give up and quit. Stick with it. Have faith that your body has a winning game plan laid out for your recovery.
The power that made your body know all the plays needed to get you healthy and whole again. It won't lose the game, if you don't let time run out!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"Treating the Bark vs. Adjusting the Cause”

You walk into your Chiropractor's office, hop on a table and point to where it hurts... expecting to get adjusted right in that very spot. But the Chiropractor starts working on a totally different part of your spine, not even close to where you feel the pain. Why is that?

There's an old saying that goes when you step on a dog's tail, it barks out the other end. In Chiropractic that means, where you hurt (the bark) isn't necessarily where the problem is (the tail). Many times the pain you feel in one area is actually a referred symptom from somewhere else. For example, someone with sciatica may feel pain down their leg, but the source of their problem is a Subluxation (vertebral misalignment) in their spine.

Chiropractors recognize that if you remove the cause of someone's symptom, the body will no longer have a need to produce it. That's why the main focus of a Chiropractic visit is to locate and correct the underlying problem, and not the superficial effect. Chasing after symptoms is like a dog chasing after its own tail. You only end up spinning around and around until you get dizzy, confused and frustrated. It's much smarter to address the underlying cause.