Monday, January 30, 2012

“Feeling a Bit Out of Tune?”

You can't sleep, your energy levels are low and you're finding it harder to make it through your day.  The specialists insist there's nothing wrong, but you innately feel like something's out of tune.  Maybe it's time to call the Chiropractor.
D.D. Palmer, the Father of Chiropractic, recognized that repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can alter the normal 'tone' within a person's Nerve System (a.k.a. Subluxation).  This persistent irritation can lead to poor physical, mental and emotional performance.  The solution?  Restore normal tone to the Nerve System with specific, Chiropractic adjustments and better health will naturally follow!
Health is the 'music' that plays when all your cells, tissues and organs vibrate perfectly in unison – orchestrated by a finely tuned Nerve System.  If you're feeling sluggish, weak and tired, a trip to the Chiropractor may just be the thing YOU need to get back in key.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Where the Body Finds Answers

How much stomach acid does it take to digest a cheeseburger?  Or, how much calcium is needed to heal a broken leg?  How about a fever, how high should it reach to fight a common cold?  You don't need to surf Google for the answers, your INNATE search engine already knows.
If you doubt there's genius inside you, just consider this – the 50,000,000 cells in your body that will die while you read this sentence… your innate intelligence knows how to replace every single one of them.  The trillions of impulses coursing through your Nerve System at this moment… innate is moving them at speeds approaching 248 mile per hour.  The number of heartbeats you'll get in your lifetime… innate reserved around 3 billion for you.
Google may be the web's leading source for information, but it's got nothing over your innate intelligence when it comes to keeping you alive and well. Innate has solutions to just about any health challenge you have.  All you have to do is search within to find the answer.

Monday, January 9, 2012

You Won’t Hear This on the Radio

Ever notice that you rarely hear prescription drug commercials on the radio?  Television's a different story.  Every other commercial on TV is for a pill to fix your stomach problems, sleep disturbances or allergy.  They all end with a monologue of side effects, voiced over a distracting video of happy people playing in the background.  You can't pull off that off on radio.

The FDA has urged pharmaceutical companies to stop using distracting images and music in their TV drug ads following complaints that manufacturers deliberately used misleading techniques to downplay their products' risks while emphasizing potential benefits.  We have a better solution.

When a drug commercial comes on TV just close your eyes and LISTEN…  The side effects will be more apparent (and disturbing) when you're not distracted by the 'pretty visuals.'  Big Pharma doesn't want you to think about the risks associated with taking their drugs.  But if you close your eyes and listen closely, you'll learn how ridiculous, dangerous and deadly their products can be.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Harvard Agrees with Chiropractic

At first glance you'd think a Chiropractor was responsible for these words.  But they were actually written by a Harvard medical school instructor in the late 1800's.  While this belief is trivialized by the medical and pharmaceutical community today, it remains the core foundation of the practice of Chiropractic.
Chiropractors humbly acknowledge that "the ONLY thing that can heal the body is the Power that created it."  The wisdom Dr. Cabot refers to in his quote is called Innate Intelligence by Chiropractors.   It is the genius of Life that animates our cells, tissues and organs.  It is the coordinating force that maintains our body's intricate chemical balance.  It silently and knowingly orchestrates all steps involved in the healing process from mending a broken bone to putting cancer in remission.  It is in favor of you living, rather than you dying.
The most important job of a Chiropractor is to teach you about this great force and keep you connected to it.  If you want to meet the REAL doctor responsible for healing you, take a look in the mirror.  It’s the one staring right back at you.