Monday, August 27, 2012

If your hand was taped in one position for years, and someone cut the tape off and tried to move it, what do you think would happen? Your hand would snap back to the position it was stuck in for all that time. But with repetition - normal movement and alignment can be restored. The same goes for your spine. When vertebrae are misaligned and stuck chronically over time (subluxated), supporting muscles and ligaments tend to 'hold' them in that position. The first time a Chiropractor tries to adjust it, just like the taped hand, the vertebrae may shift back to the old position it was stuck in. That's why 'one and done' rarely works in Chiropractic. It takes repetition to change. Frequency and repetition are necessary components of any successful Chiropractic care plan. The more consistent you are with your adjustments, the better the results. For Chiropractors, the definition of sanity is doing the right thing over and over again until health is restored.

… do you have to eat it for the rest of your Life?  The answer is obviously no, unless your parents still have an iron grip on your diet.  No one can force you to do something that's good for your health and your Life if you don't want to.

If you don't want to renew that gym membership, go to yoga classes or reduce your stress with meditation, that's up to you.  Don't feel like watching your sugar intake or taking your vitamins, the choice is yours to reap the benefits or face the consequences.  And the same goes for your Chiropractic care. 

That rumor that says 'once you start Chiropractic care, you have to keep going for the rest of your life' is a big fallacy.  Although it's true, many clients who start Chiropractic CHOOSE to continue with maintenance care because they appreciate the truckload of Life benefits that goes with having a strong spine and clear Nerve System… no one is forcing them to do so.  They do it because it simply makes sense - just like eating their broccoli.

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